White paper: technology of a software tool

This white paper outlines the technological base of a software development tool. It describes the traditional, manual approach to the problem that the tool solves. Because this approach has its disadvantages, the white paper also looks at another existing solution before outlining the advantages of the new tool’s approach. It also gives a number of case studies that are described on the architectural level.

Because of the proprietary nature of this document, the pages have been converted into graphics and have been anonymised.

page of a technological white paper page of a technological white paper

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Article: overview of a software tool

The following article advocates the use of a software development tool. It outlines the technological context in which the users of the tool typically work. From that, it derives the benefits of the tool and concludes that the tool is, indeed, a great addition to a software developer’s toolbox.

Because of the proprietary nature of this document, the pages have been converted into graphics and have been anonymised.

article about a software development tool

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Press article: EETimes on multicore programming

This is an article published originally in EETimes, one of the main publications in the field of embedded systems. It is an opinion piece on embedded hardware and software trends. The main point is that, with chip designs moving toward multicore, software tools play an increasingly important role.


2005-Software_must_take_full_advantage_of_multicore_platforms___EE_Times_pdf__page_1_of_3__and_Edit_Post_‹_Techwriter_be_—_WordPressArticles are usually not the main focus of a technical writer. But sometimes, the technical writer is the right person for the job. This is usually the case when the subject is highly technical, like the subject covered in the above article. Like blog posts, the article is then an extension of his other work.

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Blog post on IoT / Internet of Things

This blog post discusses the missing link in the Internet of Things sector. The focus in IoT is on the things, in other words: the technology. But the mass audience doesn’t really care about technological innovations. To get them on board, the sector should switch its focus away from the technology to storytelling.

Blog posts make a regular appearance in technical writing assignments. They are a logical continuation of technical writing work. When a good technical writer works on a set of documents, he is also perfectly suited to expand the same ideas in a blog format.

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